Daily Aspects – Oct 27 – Full Moon in Taurus

At 8:05am on Tuesday morning, the Moon will reach his exact Opposition to the Sun at 3:45 Taurus. The Sun is at 3:45 Scorpio. The Sun and Moon are our 2 luminaries. They show us our personal identity and ego (Sun) and our feelings and intuition (Moon). They are our public (Sun) and private (Moon) sides. When they are in Opposition, we see a contrast between what we are creating (Sun) and how we feel (Moon) about it. This is the halfway point of a monthly cycle, typically. But the New Moon was in Libra so the energy is shifted. We will have an ‘ending’ (Full Moon) around Taurus/Scorpio things making way for a ‘fresh start’ (New Moon) in Scorpio on Nov 11.

Leading up to this Full Moon, we have had clarity and thoughts and words guiding us into the ‘ending’ of this Opposition. But on the heels of the Full Moon, we will have our desires and words taking us through the wrap-up phase.

At 10:07am Venus at 17:24 Virgo Opposes Chiron Retrograde at 17:24 Pisces. Venus is a Healing Planet so this won’t feel too bad to us. We will actually have some healing touch to assist us as we are ending something in our love and intimacy areas of life (Taurus/Scorpio axis). Be sure to reach out to anyone who may be in the middle of your culmination/ending as this is all just part of a process and not anyone’s fault. Give of your resources (Venus) if necessary, Serve (Virgo) as you feel you can and you will find this heals you (Chiron) as well as them.

With some healing applied, the rest of the day belongs to CHANGED DESIRES as Venus at 17:52 Virgo Quincunx Uranus Retrograde at 17: 52 Aries. They won’t exact this aspect until 9:23pm so we can expect the awareness (Uranus) to pour in all day around some changed (Uranus) desires (Venus). They meet in an adjustment aspect which often calls for some sacrifice to be made. You may have to sacrifice a bit of your personal freedom (Uranus in Aries) to serve someone (Virgo) you love (Venus). Or use some of your resources (Venus) in service to another (Virgo). Uranus rules philanthropy so you may have to sacrifice (Quincunx) (Venus) your desire (Venus) to keep account (Virgo rules accounting) while giving (Uranus) your resources to someone in need. You could volunteer to help someone by requesting assistance from your social network. Let’s say someone is virtually homeless and at your doorstep (something I have actually been dealing with this week when a troubled woman showed up at the motel I live/work at (all very Virgo), she has no jacket and only wearing sandals and it dropped to 27 degrees last night! This is the perfect example of what we have been doing this last week… remember the Florence Nightingale post from a few days ago?!

Let the awareness pour in to shake up all of our old ways of keeping track of ‘mine and yours’ and just begin to use our resources for the betterment of EVERYONE! That is the perfect expression of this aspect between Venus and Uranus. Change in thinking is what the Age of Aquarius is all about!!

Shift happens:)

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